WikiCED presentation intro

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Our group, WikiCED is pleased to demonstrate what it might look like for an individual who wants to introduce or create change in an organization. Today our group will use technology as the vehicle to demonstrate challenges and opportunities around introducing change.

Before we start though, I’d like to share with you a few examples of individuals who created change in organizations for example:

Brett in EyesteelFilm as a web activist initiating a wiki film, Re_mix that continues to be made on line Germaine Wong, ex-NFB producer who bypassed NFB institutional norms and regulations so when a proposal din't fit, instead of saying no or surrendering to the regulations,she somehow...found a way and unlike any other Canadian city that had an NFB studio or office, managed to create a relationship and strong link between NFB and the Montreal based Asian Canadian film makers.

Sharon Fernandez, Canada Council for the arts, ex-Equity Officer transformed the system, initiated a new program for culturally diverse arts organizations in record time, ensured that equity be top priority so she reported directly to the head of the Canada Council, fast tracked culturally diverse arts applications in 2001 benchmarking equity expectations

  • Philip will start with a brief history of change and resistance
  • Then our group has prepared a special presentation for you
  • We will follow this with a participatory learning session which will include each of you co-creating and contributing to WikiCED, a manual that covers each of the areas we will talk about today along with links to many other resources
  • And lastly, before we leave today, David will help ensure that everyone has an understanding of how to access the manual that we will have created together in real time.


Developer: CDJKKMP group; Presenter: Katherine; Minutes: 5; Position: 1