Anti-tech Arnie

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Description: Fax machines are the height of human achievement

Played by: DavidM [[Image::Anti-tech Arnie picture]]


  • believes that technological advancement is a synonym of dehumanization
  • resists technological advances
  • feels good in a familiar environment
  • doesn’t know technology and can’t imagine its uses and benefits for himself
  • believes technology is too complicated
  • change might result in a situation where he needs to readjust and where he will lose control over his environment
  • can be convinced if change is presented in a way he will realize it is not so complicated and that he can have some benefits

Destiny: The leader of the underground organization SQUASH where members are committed to maintaining communication by fax. Of course this will prove an enormous challenge for the group since fax paper is no longer being produced. Anti-tech Arnie continues to eat burnt toast for breakfast.