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Helen Yung

Birth Date: Jan 5 1982

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My Thoughts on Wiki

This has been a very engrossing experience. I've been on Wikipedia many times but never contributed, and never thought it was mind-blowing beyond the fact that anyone could add and modify content. That's pretty awesome but doesn't blow my mind or toot my horn...

What makes me a Wiki enthusiast after tonight, however, is that I've now seen how wikis enable the management & generation of knowledge, and the planning & generation of work. Specifically, I think it's incredible that with wikis (or at least this particular wiki software), you are expected to generate the title (reference) for a link BEFORE you generate the content for the link. So if I'm tackling a multidimensional beast, even just a complicated grant, I can start with the main text, and put in links to appendix documents without having those documents in existence yet. In other words, it's a conceptual approach -- I LIKE!!

testing how to add an external link