MW150132 - New Synergies.pdf

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John Wall Patrick Duguay Shannon Rohan

19th century England, Industrial Revolution worked against most people. Rochdale co-op formed in 1844 . Co-ops the commerical/economic part of the social economy continuum. Italy outpaces Canada in social co-ops (health, home care , social services , education , recreation ). New type of co-op : solidarity (Québec) multi- stakeholder ( rest of Canada ); classes of " worker ," " consumer ," "supporting/ community ." Co-ops in CED are local. St-Tharcisius co-op dépanneur. VanCity , loan ing money "east of Main street"; loan s, low limit credit cards, payment plans, financial literacy programs , microfinance , resettlement . Negotiated with government to permit account holders to save money while on welfare. Multicultural Health Brokers Co-Operative Ltd. provide social, emotional support , education services for immigrants . Compensated through service contracts with health institutions, pilot/project fund ing. Aylmer Health Cooperative Arctic Co-operatives Ltd . traditional collaborative life to co-operatives . Inuit art , hotels, outfitting, cable tv, construction, property management. Keep control up north, provide training and resources .

MW150137 - Going Glocal.pdf John Wall Patrick Duguay Shannon Rohan

19th century England, Industrial Revolution worked against most people. Rochdale co-op formed in 1844 . Co-ops the commerical/economic part of the social economy continuum. Italy outpaces Canada in social co-op s (health, home care , social services , education , recreation ). New type of co-op : solidarity (Québec) multi- stakeholder ( rest of Canada ); classes of " worker ," " consumer ," "supporting/ community ." Co-ops in CED are local. St-Tharcisius co-op dépanneur. VanCity , loan ing money "east of Main street"; loan s, low limit credit cards, payment plans, financial literacy programs , microfinance , resettlement . Negotiated with government to permit account holders to save money while on welfare. Multicultural Health Brokers Co-Operative Ltd. provide social, emotional support , education services for immigrants . Compensated through service contracts with health institutions, pilot/project fund ing. Aylmer Health Cooperative Arctic Co-operatives Ltd . traditional collaborative life to co-op eratives. Inuit art , hotels, outfitting, cable tv, construction, property management. Keep control up north, provide training and resources .

MW150137 - Going Glocal.pdf