MW150102 - Editorial - The End of the Beginning.pdf
Mike Lewis and Nancy Neamtam met in 1988 in Chicago with 20 other Canadians to start new CED networks.
In February 2004 Prime Minister Martin validated the language of social economy in a Throne Speech. Martin participated in Southwest Montréal development as a minister in the early 1990s , providing multi year funding . MW150121 p. 21 . Created a $5 million equity investment pool with the Federal Government , Province of Québec and Québec Solidarity Fund , supporting capacity building , community capital , and competance . CCEDNet in 2001 requests broader federal funding. Manitoba created a CED focused cabinet. mid-2002 CCEDNet allies with Chantier de l'économie sociale ; push for multi-year fund ing, community capital usage incentives , policy changes and increased fund ing MW150126 p. 26. March 23, 2004 federal budget , $100 million of credit and patient capital for 5 years and access to existing business finance programs ; $17 million over 2 years for community capacity-building pilots; $15 million over 5 years for community-university research funding through SSHRC ; expanded mandate for Community Futures Development Corporations. Considered modest, and would prefer tax credits over credit . Emphasis since 2004 on celebrating ; communicating (especially to English press/population); educate to senior civil servants , present at important meetings . Need to strengthen dialogue between CCEDNet , networks and movements with shared values goals, members including credit unions , women 's groups, aboriginal and anti- poverty groups, Community Futures Development Corporations , trade union movement , business sector (especially those with social mandates ); evaluate (specify strategic uses, eg capacity building , research not just for academically-led research projects , defining patient capital , is it meeting social economy enterprise needs, organizing for the right partners - Québecers better prepared because of infrastructure , for human capital , better integration of existing programs - 5-city demonstration project advocated by Learning Enrichment Foundation and CCEDNet , cost-benefit research for integrated, outcome -driven approaches. Looking to allies in Martin government ; activate , innovate , agitate.