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- From MW150121 - Transformed by Community Economic Development.pdf: Issues: A partnership, or farming out government work? Political and financial autonomy.
- From Shared Space Chapter 2 - Organizing for complexity: The resilience clusters sustenance, adaptability, engagement and opportunity are the substance of the communities agenda. To support them, strategic tasks and processes, and "leading between" are required - convenor the collaborative process, and harnessing assets.
- From Shared Space Chapter 2 - Organizing for complexity: This requires a strong focus on relationships, networks, sharing credit, addressing turf wars (for example, by compelling collaboration).
- From Shared Space - Chapter 4 - Supporting Sustenance: In creating new stock, collaborative work such as the Quality of Life CHALLENGE in BC linked federal, provincial, municipal government, institutions and community groups with the Housing Affordability Partnership. The flow of capital was coordinated, and housing trust funds set up. Total funds leverage 14 times the amount from provincial and federal government. By-law was influenced to join up work, create linkage and scale up efforts.
- From MW150132 - New Synergies.pdf: Arctic Co-operatives Ltd. traditional collaborative life to co-operatives. Inuit art, hotels, outfitting, cable tv, construction, property management. Keep control up north, provide training and resources.
- From MW150102 - Editorial - The End of the Beginning.pdf: Emphasis since 2004 on celebrating; communicating (especially to English press/population); educate to senior civil servants, present at important meetings. Need to strengthen dialogue between CCEDNet, networks and movement with shared values goals, members including credit unions, women | Women's groups, Aboriginal and anti-poverty groups, Community Futures Development Corporations, union | unions movement, business | businesses sectors (especially those with social mandates); evaluate (specify strategy | strategies uses, eg capacity building, research not just for academically-led research projects, defining patient capital, is it meeting social economy enterprise needs, organizing for the right !Collaboration | collaboration | Partnership | partnership | synergistic | partner | collaborative - Québecers better prepared because of Foundation | foundation, for human capital, better integration of existing programs - 5-city demonstration project advocate by Learning Enrichment Foundation and CCEDNet, cost-benefit research for integrated, outcomes | Outcome | Outcomes-driven approaches. Looking to allies in Martin government; activate, Innovation | emerging | Emerging | modernization, agitate.
- From Shared Space Chapter 2 - Organizing for complexity: New leadership style are required to integrate different sectors. They must focus on relationships, constantly integrating new participants in a "leading between" style rather than pursuading followers and focusd on collaborative relationships using mutual respect rather than authority.
- From Shared Space - Chapter 3 - Working in the Shared Space: In the communities agenda, doing involves creating links, and collaborative work - information exchange, shared learning and training, integrated development plans and initatives, consolidated application procedures and protocols, joint procurement and common evaluation. Groups in Quebec have a longer history of collaborative forums, such as the 'tables de concertaction.'
- From Shared Space - Chapter 3 - Working in the Shared Space: Governments term collaboration 'horizontal management' and develop entities such as federal councils.
- From MW150121 - Transformed by Community Economic Development.pdf: Southwest Montréal - from an industrial centre to poverty. PEP and RESO successful intervention through citizen engagement: socio-economic partners - organization must be composed of voting | vote | democracy | !democratic | election representatives of different sectors of the community (four from business, four from community based organization | community organization | community based organizations, two union Leader | lead | leading, two associate members known for their influence, board grew to include local institutions, residence and elected municipal officials), committees and forums, AGM; Collaboration: supporting key community projects, economic, employment and recreation tourist plans; employment support and advice to entrepreneur | entrepreneurship, maintain industrial zoning, networking between businesses, workshops for training, secondary school for adults developed with industrial | factory, unions and literacy organizations.
- From Shared Space - Chapter 4 - Supporting Sustenance: Local governance can focus on complex, long term plans, whereas communities must focus tactically due to lack of resources while using created governance. Coordination mechanisms, and comprehensive community initiatives, that encourage collaboration within integrated clusters of actions, government and the private sector, are required.
- From Shared Space - Chapter 3 - Working in the Shared Space: Clusters are areas in the shared space. Like firms in economic clusters, work involved in the communities agenda is in three main tasks - Knowing, doing and reviewing. These depend on an evidence base and collaborative relationships, where possible and appropriate.
- From MW150113 - CED & Social Economy in Canada - A People's History.pdf: 10000bc - 1497"10000bc - 1497" contains a sequence that could not be interpreted against an available match matrix for date components., Aboriginal societies existed, then were shaped by European economies, initially synergistic, later dependent, changed and threatened.
- From Shared Space Chapter 1 - Reaching for Resilience: The concept of clusters originated in research in the 1960s, with Michael Porter's 1990s sector-based form, focused on geography, informal relationships, and supporting institutions. In the communities agenda framework, the social dimension of communities is the result of related geographic clusters that are synergistic networks of activity, which thrive due to proximity.
- From Shared Space - Chapter 4 - Supporting Sustenance: A 2004 Canadian Housing Framework proposal was collaboratively developed by six Saint John business and volunteer sector representatives, lead by the Mayor, non profits and other local stakeholders. The results exceeded what individual proposals would likely have accomplished.
- From Shared Space Chapter 1 - Reaching for Resilience: In the mental health field, the challenge model considers resilience the "ability to cope with stressful change, and perceived or actual threat by survivors. It identifies the internal traits - such as internal strengths, behaviours, and competencies - and interventions, through partnerships with caring individuals and professionals, who provide high expectations and opportunities, as well as childhood development. Individuals are made stronger by handling difficult circumstances well. Resilient individuals engage actively, seek opportunities, and thrive in changing environments. Adaptation, sustenance, opportunity and engagement must be used at different times, individually and in combination.